Friday, May 17, 2013

The Moving Target - NOT FAIR

Well, I was having a pretty good day.  Ate 2 pieces of sharp cheddar cheese (same brand I have been eating for months).  AND GOT AN INSTANT allergy-style migraine.  Figure was contaminated with mold?  Maybe?

Anyway, now have taken a boat-load of migraine meds and the world is just a tad shimmery.

Feeling that this is not quite fair - not that fair makes a difference or not... but still....  I can accept reactions when I am eating something I should not, or trying a new thing.  But this is the same darn cheese I ate last week, a couple days ago, etc.  So, yeah - I am feeling that the target got moved on me, the rules changed, and my inner kid is pitching a fit!

Which brings me to the question - what does one do when the rules change mid-game, when the world is inherently unfair, and when the darn target moves?  Do you honor and accept the inner child... The emotional reactions to unfairness?  Do you try to talk yourself out of the emotion - perhaps by saying that no one ever promised that life would play fair?  Do you put on a DVD and ignore it all - distracting yourself with something else?

What do you do?  And when does that work... and when does it not?

Something I suppose I shall think about in the next couple of hours and the next couple of days.


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