Sunday, June 12, 2016

When horrible things happen

In times when the horrible that people do is at the forefront of thought and mind, please remember that the vast majority of people care and help. 

It is easy to allow the harm and trauma of the world to nest within our hearts, creating illusion that danger is everywhere, forcing us to build walls to keep "safe".

But those walls imprison us from others who would enrich our lives.

And as much flashy and startling danger as there is in the world, there is ever so much more quiet and peaceful love and caring.

So, yes, mourn the tragedy which was perpetrated upon fellow citizens. And THEN GO OUT AND HELP! Make connections with others. Build communities. And SEARCH OUT in every way possible that which is positive, caring, and nurturing. Celebrate the good.

Create a focus on that vast and silent majority of people who care, so that when horrible things happen, there is resiliency built into our community ... a safety net of people holding out hands to help and to hold.