Friday, May 3, 2013



by Laura A Collins (Notes) on Tuesday, August 18, 2009 at 8:53pm
Personal 25Feb95
1:24 a.m.

Quiet desperation
in 6 lines
or so

This is my age
my race
my hair color

This is my height
my weight
my eye color

I'm single and
and need someone

This is my life
Will you...
...share it with me

(No Title) 25Feb95
1:56 a.m.

nightmare insomniac
lost cause survivor
living dreams keep your dead

crippled dreamer
dishwater daughter
living dreams keep you dead

soldier or housewife
perhaps even the same
living dreams keep them


music IV 26Mar95
Enigma floats the night
turning ordinary spring air
into something musical
something magical

into an elixir of
swirling cerulean
magenta and
luminescent green

the night becomes
a forest, a sea side
an other-world of
desert flowers on sand

A Truth 26mar95
my body twists
dancing turning

strings on my wrists
move my hands -
ever so graceful...

strings on my feet
make the rhythm
of a heartbeat

and the strings
on my tongue
tell you fractions

camigal 26mar95
she was young
her country
turned on her

she tried to
find work when
there weren't
any jobs

she had no
in any area
save one

she did
the best
she could

she sold her body
cheap and often

when no one
would buy an
hour or two

she starved

SPiNniNG 26mar95
the eagles rock the night
twisting time into ribbons
morph reality into
a Dali-scape of life

their music cuts my room
out of the cosmos
sets it spinning
into isolated-lone

the words reverse
into a none-sense
that is more profound
than the christian god

melody absorbs everything
taking structure
and breath and thought
until a single note is left

sunset 26mar95
the sun dripped from the sky
a radioactive splendour
of luminescent clouds
and rutherford's gold

The Tragedy 26Apr95
91 coffins
lined with concrete
are in a row

teddy bears
throw roses
into the 8 foot crater

and a nation mourns

* * *

bless-ed be

my children

the teddy bears
and fish unite

to fight the

that buries the young


* * *

the angels
dip their wings
and flow their tears

before they plummet
into chaos

the demons repent

for there is Evil
in the world
worse then they
can comprehend

* * *

smiles and wounds
blend as loved ones
are delivered into the air

those who wait
save their tears
that maybe hope
is yet alive

wellspring flows again 04May95
Date: 95-05-04 02:07:32 EDT

The angels walk tonight
on streets cobbled in glass

They peer into steamed windows
to see bloodied noses and thighs

There is not a star to lighten
the dark
that encroaches upon the world

* - * - *

# 6
She stood upon The Hill
looking down upon the grass
covered mound

He was young before he died
before a snakebite turned
into streaks of flame
and devoured his hand
his arm, his body

Her children are beside her
stepping stones of years
the youngest in her arms

They look to their mother
and see an emptiness
deeper than the grave
in her eyes

* - * - *

tonight is a darker night
than the sky and moon warrant

shades of fish
battered teddy bears
and roses
rim my mind

there are circles in which
demons and angels dance
upon ribbons of music

Children gasp
as they surface from
the Mother's womb
and drown upon air
that is thin

thinner than dreams
thinner than hope

molecules twist
themselves into a dreamscape
populated by legend
and myth
to create a new religion
out of recycled gods

and I write poetry
in an attempt to
exorcise them all
so that I may sleep

* - * - *

there is something in me
trying to find voice
awkward mind

something that
I must dream
if I cannot write

something that
will make me cry
as I sleep

and I do not know

* - * - *

I cried once, several weeks back, as I slept. I do not know what I cried for, in those dreams that wrapped my sleeping self tight. I know only that upon waking, I felt a sadness as deep as despair enfold me, and wrench my heart. It passed, as all things do, leaving puzzlement and confusion. The memory of sadness is, even now, fading. It is following the path that memories of pain created. I know not how long I will remember what that sadness was like. And, though sadness is not something to yearn for, when the memory goes, it will take with it something important. A message was born to me on the sadness, and will leave when the memory of sadness fades out of mind.

* - * - *

I do not know why I am writing this to you. And, it is to you. I write one word, then another. Words follow words onto this screen. Eventually I will run out of words. Then I will sleep, and tomorrow when I wake, this will seem as if it were a dream.

There is no knowledge in me of a word that will be next. There is only the sensation of need. There is a need to write that is in full flux. I write because there is something in me that tells me to write. When the thing that rides me empties itself out, I will stop writing.

Perhaps I will not dream tonight.

* - * - *

silent he waits
breathing the night
into a darkness
that holds malice

his prey is yet
innocent of the
eyes that stare
into the space
that separates

he waits with
knowing the distance
closes with each beat

he waits
filling the space
with intent

* - * - *

The radio plays love songs
of women who follow their men
into a death

And I think that
all women following of men
find a death

* - * - *

The angels and demons
dance together
atop the graves
of honest men
and innocent children
and drink from the skulls
of women beaten to death
for failing

* - * - *

I am in an odd mood tonight, spinning snippets and fragments that I do not understand. Why I am in such a mood, I do not know. Today has been mundane until midnight struck. But then, it is 2 a.m. and that is the hour that spirits walk the earth.

from witches to fish to spirits. what will rise at 3?

* - * - *

Do your ghosts walk into your mind when the hour is late and you cannot sleep? Are they friendly, or do they bear razors? I cannot decide if tonight is haunted. If they have come tonight, have they left their chains and their stilettos behind? Are they here to talk? I feel as if they are here, but their presence is gentle and I am confused.

* - * - *

I think about crying. The last time I cried while awake was many months ago. Before that, it was a year. What is the property of tears that they burn and cleanse and soothe all at once?

* - * - *

My fish is swimming around his tank. He was reflected in the window in a dark mirror reflection that was perfect. Tomorrow I will clean the outside of his tank, and watch it gleam. Then, when the light outside has gone, I will take a picture of the tank and the dark reflection. I think the picture will turn out well.

The image haunted my mind for an hour. I closed my blinds and the image has receded.

* - * - *

And the fish swim along the edges of my mind. Alice in Wonderland style, they swim, fin to arm of the teddy bears. And I write.

* - * - *

The Beginning 09May95
Born into Midnight
she was named
Ariel Jade

She answered to Ariel
but named herself

Cycles 20May95 -
Saturday morning at 1:30 a.m.
Tears of blood
drip from between my legs
to nourish the earth
and make fertile
the fields

god knows there is
no fertility within me

I am empty
less than a bird's nest
in the middle of winter

The moon spreads
her dead light upon
my brow
mocking and dancing
beyond my reach
and the goddess
is dead

to me

I was young never
and was innocent
no longer than it took
for the birthing waters
to dry upon my face
for the air to come
and drown my lungs

I dream no longer
my sleep is deep and dark
and silent
no children laugh and run
in the night

I will not sleep
and the fields
streaming coffins
of moonlight
and the dreams
that do not come
will enshroud
someone else

and someone else
will bleed the tears
that sustain this earth
while draining out
her heart


Tidal Moon
there is a tidal moon
in the sky tonight

the stars marking
grave-plots of saints

pull and ebb in the
moonbeam's grasp

until a tsunami
overflows the universe

and all babies drown


What is Ours
Midnight comes early
grandma said

midnight comes early
but only for women

you see, my child,
men have taken the light

they have yoked it
and made it work

but the moonlight
oh yes, my child

the moonlight is
older than the mountains

it is cold and simple
and it is ours

Midnight comes to us,
it always has

and when it comes,
you must remember

we are once more


Sadness and hope
and silver moonlight
that turns the evening

braid together into a rope
that hangs us all

Haunted 12June95
This night is damp and chilling
the rain has left ghosts upon the air
and horror in our bones

The bane-sidhe stalks the window's shadow
to frost us even more
as the moon slides from the sky
on tracks of molten ice

the grave reaches out to touch us
removing the future from our eyes
and we learn the reaper's scythe
by experience

Realization 12June95
yesterday and the day before
I took a trip through my past
and learned that a ghost ancient
was nothing more than a wisp
of stale air gone insignificant

a man's touch 12June95
there is something
about the touch of a man

slow and gentle
upon your thigh

something that is
wonderful and
but forgotten when
not present

something elusive
that makes you feel warm

there is something
about a touch
of a man
that transcends

renewal 12June95
i dreamed of darkness
last night
as the moon slipped
away from this world
and the sky darkened
with dense clouds

i dreamed of warmth
last night
as the blankets wrapped
around me as i tossed
and turned through
the night

i dreamed of moisture
last night
as my bed undulated
with the movements
of my body revolving

i dreamed of a return
to the water's
of the Mother
as the storm raged without

and birth became


Milestones 12June95
she was 13
when he came courtin
and sparkin

they married 2
months later
were parents in 10

she had 15
in 20 years

11 lived past
that first year of life
6 became adults

he died when
she was 76
leaving her drifting

she wandered
around the house
for another 2 years

she died at 78
leaving 4 children
and 23 grandkids

100s buried her
under a quilt she made
and a tree she loved

the stone at her head
held this:

"Osa May, beloved
wife and mother

worshipping 12June95
there is the smell of summer
floating on the laundered air
and the grass sparkles
with Her diamonds

a purity rides the breeze
cleansing all life
it touches
and making the light incandescent

we worship Her
without even knowing
what we do
in each deep breath we take

and in each rainbow
we search for
in that child-like way
to renew our souls

flakes of truth 12June95
Indigo Girls spin a spell
of philosophy, relationship
and reincarnation
about the room
tying me in threads
invisible to the eye
and binding to the heart

there is a truth floating
on the air
that I try to capture and
translate into this poem
a truth that is tenuous
and fickle

what used to be truth turns
into illusion and falseness
before it becomes words
and I smell the reality
that surrounds me
and feel futility

roles 12June95
as a girl,
you learn to be
ashamed of your body
but to flaunt it

the way you look
how you will do
all your life

as much,
or even more,
than all other things
such as who you are
or how smart you are

we learn this
at our mother's breast
and our father's knee

we learn this as we play
with our dolls that curve
in ways no human could

we learn this in our schools
and in our churches
but most of all

we learn this in our hearts

Dream Journal Writings Assorted Dates

Dawn 20Apr95
Drowned hair rustles
playing coy with
the fish and crays

Merkle the snake

Charmed by one
blond strand
ventures too close

(No Title) 29May95
The sky turned scarlet
as Earthmother gave birth
to the girl-child

Night came

The sky was blood
drenched in birthwaters

(No Title) 18June95
Mirror, Mirror on the wall
I cannot see myself at all
Midnight's hour has come and past
while bare still lies this looking glass

It wasn't supposed to be this way
banished, alone, to night from day
lost, sinking, with nothing left
dead inside and soul bereft

The House Bitch 18June95
Rugs and toilets and tables cleaned
dishes washed and left to dry
beer and gin and Bacardi and rye

cigarettes, movies, and girls to make
tunes and cars and Cody, too
beer and gin and Bacardi and rye

sweat and sex and nothing to break
and pills to keep his heart in line
beer and gin and Bacardi and rye

encounter 19June95
touch by touch
he convinces her
to come out
of herself

to accept his body
within hers
to accept...

after the color
of his touch
fades from her skin

confusion is left
to drain from
her body

and life, once more,
resumes its path

Sleep-over 19June95
two little kids -
nested in sleeping bags
on grandma's hardwood floor -
wake to Midnight's chime
and the whippoorwill's call

convinced the shadows
have come alive and
are screaming for blood
the kids hold to each other

tears of fright and helplessness
soak the pillows
before sobs awake a grandmother
who is dreaming of
flying aback the 'wills

Irony 29June95
It was late that night
when I looked up to the sky
expecting to see indigo and silver

My eyes opened wide
at the sight of stars
just beyond the reach of
my extended fingers

Nothing in my life
has ever been so tempting
as those stars

And nothing
has ever been so
to reach

Separations 30June95
The child is parcelled out
like the choicest of meats
and the parents argue
and snipe at each other

meanwhile, emotions
and hurt and dreams
collide as they course
through the tiny body

domestic dispute 09July95
silhouettes upon the wall
bloody handprints upon the door
child crying by the bed
and golden hair matted to the floor

the fool 09July95

He drinks his courage up
and shoves Her back
to the recesses of his mind
so he won't feel guilty
for what he's about to do

she is unsure about this
and protests without result
as his hands roam

he is a fool and blind
for he does not see
a body is cheap
but a mind is priceless
and a heart given freely -
one ever beyond his reach -
is more rare than a true god

The Biker Lady 09July95
tattoos of fantasy run wild
over her arms and legs
while Valiums make her eyes

glaze with unicorns and dragons
entwined with roses
of incandescent scarlet

purple and green hiking boots
encase feet that have seen
many pegs and miles

this knowledge of the world
is etched on her face in lines
finer than tattoo ink

Demoness 09July95
hair that is saloon blond
and truths that never existed
in this world's reality

a life made more of myth
that Eve's and Pandora's
is exposed to warp the weave

of reality and human souls

Fresh Start 09July95
he holds her tight
while the covers wrap them both
to keep them cozy and safe

He is timid about his heart
having been previously gnawed
but holds her close regardless

Bar Scene 09July95
last night
the moon hung
cradled by the stars
one yellow flower
turned ash and glowed
in small perfection
among many indigo weeds

The bar by the hillside
was quiet
with people
being mellow and solitary

Note to a lover 20July95
Hello you
Good Morning
it is the way
you reply
that makes me smile

Life is like that -
full of tiny
insignificant things
that make you smile

Open Invitation 20Jul95
You are looking at me
this bright morning
through sleepy eyes that gleam
with a look
I am growing to recognize

I like it that you enjoy
the way my body looks
I like it that you want
to touch and be touched

You are more than welcome
you know
to any pleasure my body
can give you

Just as you are welcome
to all that I am
and to take what you want
from all that I can give

Music V 20Jul95
the tracks sing
with the vibrant voice
lent them by
the oncoming train

they harmonize
to the base throb
of the turning wheels
weaving a decsent
about the ebb and flow

the river,
upon hearing that tracks' song
joins in with a breathy chorus
punctuated by frog chant
and cricket hum

and we
encircled by light of the fire
listen entranced
to the melody
between nature and iron

Mirror Fragments 23July95
late one night
when I was young
I looked into a mirror

My soul was shattered
leaving fragments
to shread through my flesh

numbed by pain
the void grew ice
to keep forever numb

silent, final tears
traced a last smile
before emotion succumbed

and then,
as dawn opened the sky
I began the day

Acceptance 04Aug95
we are friends
you and i
and that is all
we may be

differing desires
and differing stars
tie us
with bounds unbreakable

and though I love you
there is no tampering
with fate

a pondering 04Aug95
it is human
i think
to always be
what you can't have

it is human
even still
to know
your own futility
and to resent

it is human
to continue
with your life


The Storm 04Aug95
young she was
when the storm struck
she watched
as the tornados ripped
away generations
of labor and hope and care

the storm blew itself out
leaving a legacy
...... rip....

Your poem 04Aug95
Young and world weary
not yet mature
a mother of two

how is it
that you describe
a friend

I do not know

she wants a poem
one of my poems
written about her

and I do not know
what to say

she is not definite
and so I cannot be

her mind changes
as quickly as clouds
cover stars

and her addictions
are not tame

she does not yet know
what it is to be a mother
and seeks that knowledge
in a haphazard
sort of way

by turns
she is dedicated
and fickle

she listens
but may not hear

at times
she reminds me
of the forest sprites
she turns into a lorelei

a banshee sits upon
her left shoulder
and an angel
upon her right

What is true
about her one day
is false the next
as if the world
reversed in the
course of the night

and while there is poetry in her life,
it is never constant enough
to capture within the lines of a word

regrets sort of 22Aug95
early this morning
before the sun came up
we nestled in your bed
and started something
neither one of us needed

as the pavement sends
up mirages
I think of itches and
how good
scratching can feel

and think


not all itches
should be scratched

irritation 22Aug95
i listen to your lives
all of them
and all of you
and say nothing

you tell me your troubles
all of them
and everyone of you
and i think while i listen

and not a one of you
has yet done a thing
to remedy any of it

2:00 a.m. 22Aug95
they come
in a wave
of alcohol

they mix
their lives
as they mix
their drinks

they bring
and chaos
with them

they talk
cliché lines
they're wits

watching them
I see pathos

Autobiopoetry 22Aug95
There is something within me
that asks for human touch
every now and then

and something
that needs solitude
more often than not

there is something within me
that requires me to write
what I cannot say

and something
that refuses to let me
write what is important

there is something within me
that makes me shy
away from you all

and something
that makes me seek
your company

there is something within me
that is contradictory
and seeking

and something
that is strangely content
with all that I am

a day 22Aug95
my dog snoozes in a basket
filled with blankets needing washed
music floats slothfully on the air
warmed to sleepiness by the sun

outside the streets steam mirages
of gas fumes and dancing light
while the birds are silent and still
as the coiled snake

here, before the computer monitor,
i see the day's reflection
and try to capture it in lines of words
before the sun runs from time 

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