Monday, June 17, 2013

Trial 2 with face mask (RZ mask)

Trial 2 with face mask (RZ mask)

Already asthmatic (took a road trip on blue ridge parkway, had windows down, pollen was all over - smelled lovely, but lungs were not happy last night and still are grouchy today!!)... soooo, going to go to a couple stores (in town - 5 min from home) and see if the mask keeps things from getting worse. If not, will be sucking on neb machine every couple hours for the rest of the day and then every 4 hours for the rest of the week. But, if it works, then WOOOHOOO, I have some "normal" back and will be able to go shopping. YAY!


Walmart (my anaphyalaxis central), Michaels (ana-lite), big lots, Staples, Kroger, PetSmart, Ross, and pumping gas - STILL BREATHING - mask is sweaty as can be. Started to get itchies on exposed skin from airborne exposure, so taking some benedryl and a shower. But, I was able to be out and able to breathe.

30 Minutes later:

Now I feel like ants are trying to carry off my skin (itching from the inside)... but hoping the benedryl and wash off with peroxide (skipped a shower) will fix that in 20 or 30 minutes... BUT STILL NO ASTHMA!!  I am thinking that this will give me a little bit of "normal" back...  Seems like I can go shopping again.  Probably will need to wear long sleeves and long pants to limit skin exposure - at least for longer times of being out.  But, I CAN SHOP AGAIN!  Totally Psyched about that!!

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