Saturday, June 15, 2013

RZ Face Mask - a review for how it did when I was out and about

  • RZ Mask - 

    Got it the other day (LOTS OF NEOPRENE SMELL). let it air out (stuck it over a fan and turned on the fan). No more plastic smell. 

    Wore it out today - filtered "air freshener" from sister's car and airborne contaminants from the store. Usually, I can be in Staples for about 10 minutes before having an asthma attack - If I prepare to go by taking Benedryl and doing a nebulizer treatment of Xopenex and Pulmicort.

    The mask filtered SOME of the fumes from a car in front of us which blew a head gasket and produced some toxic black smoke. This would have typically set off an immediate asthma attack and an immediate severe migraine.

    However, I kept feeling like I had to adjust the mask - it sits a tiny bit low on my face. AND, the strap does not stay at the right place on the back of my head. Not sure about that.

    BUT - I did not take benedryl before going out. I did not do a breathing treatment before going out. AND I HAVE NO ASTHMA RIGHT NOW! YAY! I do have a bit of a twinge in the back of my head (pre-migraine) from the car fumes exposure, but that should respond to Advil.


    So, a tentative ok for normal exposure stuff. NOT good enough for major exposure (car fumes from the other car). But, for me - might be enough to let me go shopping on a weekly basis instead of having to wait for the "really good days" or having someone go shopping for me.


    DURABLE NEOPRENE: Abrasion-Resistant Fabric with Comfortable Stretch Fit. ACTIVE...See More

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