Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Introduction to counseling clients

When I meet a new client, I have a typical pattern of introduction.

First we talk about forms.  And confidentiality - "What we talk about is confidential unless you are a danger to yourself, a danger to someone else, there is instance of abuse, or I am compelled by law (like a subpoena)."

Then I introduce myself.

"A couple of things about me.  First, I have an inner nerd.  That means I love homework and I sometimes use big words - not cause I am trying to be smart, but because I just love language.  So if my inner nerd peeks out and I say something you don't understand, let me know.  I will be happy to explain.  Heck, my inner nerd will be thrilled! Also, because I have the inner nerd, everything we do will have a reason and evidence that shows it works.  If you have any questions, just holler.  You have the right to know why we are doing things.

And about homework...  The reason for doing homework is that if you work on things between sessions, you will move through therapy to your goals much faster.  I am happy to spend time with you, but I bet you have things you would rather do than hang here with me.

And to go with my inner nerd, I have an inner hippy.  So, I will be asking about all sorts of things - from spirituality to nutrition to how you are feeling and thinking.  I believe we are all part of a system - and little changes in one area can help make big changes in another.

Finally, I am a student.  No matter how many letters I eventually have after my name, I will ALWAYS be a student.  YOU are the expert on your life!  I am a student who has learned some tools.  Together we will work to get you to the goals you want to reach."

... At this point, I say - "So, now it's your turn.  What's up?"  And the work begins.

Thinking about this today, my question is:  What inner people do you have?  What parts of yourself do you celebrate in your life?  Which ones do you hide?  And - how different would your life be if you celebrated all your facets??


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