Saturday, February 15, 2014

Redid my bookcases today. Pictures... :)

When we moved this fall, all the books on my bookcases were jumbled and out of order.  We were more concerned about getting the things we needed for daily life in order.  And then, with starting a new job...  I spent all my spare time learning what I needed for my job and learning how to live independently.  Well, with the snowfall this week, I have had the time to catch up on all the things I needed to do (and I got over having the flu as well!!)... So... Today, I had the luxury of time and managed to knock a couple things off my to-do list.  Primary among those were re-doing the bookcases.  Books are now arranged by topic and placed so my most used books are handiest.

Pictures of the bookshelves follow.

Books were piled up as they were taken off the shelves.

More piles.

Partially done shelf

Crisis counseling, trauma, PTSD books

Substance use/abuse books 

Addiction counseling articles

Skill training books for various mental health conditions

Wellness and exercise books

Abnormal psychology and criminology books

Completed bookcase

Self-help and inspiration books

Chronic physical conditions books

Neuroscience books and ethics books

Physiology and genetics. Native American histories and multicultural books

Women's studies, philosophy, slavery, politics of power

Statistics, research methods, human sexuality

Math, History, English, French

Communications Theory, Sociology, Business, general psychology

Counseling techniques and theory, group counseling, theories of personality, becoming a counselor

Major contributors to psychology

3 Completed bookcases

4th completed bookcase

Environmental, disease, autobiographies, death and dying, parenting, ADHD and Dyslexia

ADHD, Developmental Psychology, family therapy, school counseling, education, childhood psychopathology, sexual deviance. 

Art paper, art books, crafting books, coloring books

Daily meditations books, self-help books, poetry, Kipling, Native American Lore

Fairy tales, folk tales, books from when I was a child, nature identification guides, wildflower guides, hiking books, travel guides

Picture books, National Geographic books, Environmental books, Religious texts/books

The 5 bookcases making up the reading corner of the living room

Chair and table put back into the reading corner.  Shelves with decorations put back as well.

Science fiction and fantasy bookcase.  Mercedes Lackey, Anne McCaffrey, Andre Norton, David Weber, Lois McMaster Bujold, Charles DeLint

2nd science fiction and fantasy bookcase.  Mercedes Lackey, Jennifer Roberson, Stephen Donaldson, Nancy Collins, Gael Baudino, F.M. Busby, Marion Zimmer Bradley, Patricia Briggs, SM Stirling, Illona Andrews, assorted others.

The science fiction and fantasy bookcases.  Chai on the couch chewing a bone.



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