Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Broth x 3

A local store has 10 pounds of chicken legs and thighs for sale at $0.68 per pound (a total of $6.80).  So, I got a couple sets.  In a LARGE stock pot, I put chicken, onion, garlic, and a bit of salt.  Filled the thing up with about a gallon of water (which is why I use a large pot), and let that simmer (with a lid on it) for about 8 hours.

Strained out the chicken, onion and garlic.  Boiled the gallon of broth down to less than 1/6 of the starting amount.  Cool.  Freeze in ziplock bags or in mason jars.  This is broth 1.

Cool the chicken pieces and the onion and garlic.  When cool enough to work with, pick the meat out of the skin and off the bones.  Put skin, bones, joints, and onion and garlic back into the large pot.  Fill with 1-2 gallons of water.  Simmer for 12 hours.  Remove the solids and boil down to 1/6 the amount of liquid.  Cool.  Freeze in Ziploc bags or in mason jars.  This is broth 2.

Crack the bones (use a meat hammer).  Put the remaining solids, the cracked bones, an onion, some celery, and some garlic into the large pot.  Add a gallon of water.  Bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and put a lid on the pot.  Simmer for 12 hours.  Remove solids and discard the solids.  Boil the broth down.  This is broth 3.  For broth 3, the flavor is less intense than in broth 1 or 2.  So this is the perfect broth to use for delicately flavored soups, to use for boiling potatoes for mashed potatoes, or for cooking fish.

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