Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Year's Eve

I suppose it says something about me - I get more excited about the turn of the year than I do about all other holidays and events combined.  Birthdays - no big deal.  Religious holidays - joy and stress.  Family holidays and national events (4th of July)... mainly stress.  No, for me the biggie is New Year's.

It is not the ball dropping or any of the glitz.  Hey, I do not even have a television hooked up to cable (my TV is for DVD purposes only).  There are no television channels in my life.  No, for me it is the potential that hangs with great presence over the turning of the year.

Season's change do the same for me in a small degree.  But, it is New Year's Eve that makes me all shivery with excitement.  Much the same as Christmas did when I was small.  Now, I review the previous year and find great anticipation of the possibilities of the coming year.

And, New Year's Eve has a wonderful present ... the first day of a new calendar.  I find such delight in looking at the blank squares and knowing it is up to my choice as to how I fill those days.  Sometimes, I seek to rectify poor behaviors of the past.  However, I find more and more, as I grow older, that I seek to focus on where I am going instead of where I have been.  The past has relevance - it would be foolish to imagine that it did not.  However, it is the future that thrills me.  Each moment of that expanse of time can be written by choice and by action.  And, what a wonderful, heady thought that is to me.

So, my wish for each and every one is this:

May your New Year be the one you write for yourself.  May it see you become a better person than you were yesterday.  May you find joy and happiness and meaning.  May you be the blessing on the world that you have the potential to be.  And, when looking back upon the year, may you find peace and certainty that the year could not in any way have been lived to a better or fuller degree.

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