Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Kneeling in the NFL

Respect - So many people are talking about the kneeling during the National Anthem as a matter of respect.

I find this very ironic.

While I do not agree that kneeling during the anthem is a good thing, I AM PASSIONATE that people have the right to kneel.

You see, I do not only respect the rights of others who agree with me. I respect the rights of those who do not as well.

So, yes. If a person feels led to protest by kneeling, then kneel on. If the person kneeling offends you, then don't watch, don't participate.

The reason protest is so powerful is because it is a statement that the person feels the purpose of the protest is more important than any consequence imposed for the protest. I respect that.

Now, flag-country-veterans... 
A country is a group of people in a geographic location under a common government.  IT IS A GROUP OF PEOPLE. 

 A flag is NOT a country. It is not the veterans who fought for the country. IT IS A SYMBOL. There are no homeless flags. There is no suicide rate among flags. There is no increase in mental illnesses such as depression or PTSD among flags.

You want to respect the veterans? Awesome. I am all for that. Let's support their families when the service member is deployed - show up, help in tangible ways, write thank you cards letters. Let's support the veterans who have returned from service with physical and emotional/mental scars - increase funding for the VA, provide sanctuaries where they can heal from PTSD while still remaining in society (there is a wonderful farm in Florida which does/did this), provide shelter for homeless veterans. Put money and time into respecting our service people. Walk the walk!

Veterans and service people fought for FREEDOM (an idea. a trust.) That means they fought for the freedom for people to kneel during an anthem and they fought for freedom for people to boycott those with whom they disagree.

There is no right to not be offended. There is no requirement that everyone MUST present the illusion of patriotism by showing some action. Mandated patriotism is an lie that looks pretty, but is not only empty but is even cancerous to the society which mandates such pretense.

So, when a person kneels in protest, that is his or her right. Just like it is your right to respond as you would like - in support, in boycott, in discussion, or some other way. Freedom - the trust for which service members served - it is that thing which lets EACH person protest and respond as he or she is called to do.

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